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Understanding the connectivity and dynamics of avian influenza

Management Bodies

Steering Committee (SC)

Each partner institution appoints one representative key scientist to the SC. The SC is authorised to take decisions on behalf of the consortium and is responsible for the overall performance of KAPPA-FLU under the Horizon Europe Grant Agreement and the Consortium Agreement. Decisions in the remit of the SC include changes to the consortium, changes in the overall objectives or approaches of KAPPA-FLU, significant changes in partner budgets, conflicts between partners or changes in the composition of management and advisory bodies. The SC will be chaired by the Coordinator and the Co-coordinator. The Coordinator will consolidate the progress reports, milestone reports, financial statements and budgetary overviews with input from all partners. He will be the official liaison point between the EC Project Officer and the consortium and is formally responsible for financial, legal, ethical, and contractual issues. To ensure that the coordination effort does not interfere with the scientific progress of the project, the Coordinator will be supported by a Project Manager at P01 (FLI), who will provide the necessary operational and administrative support.

Friedrich-Loeffler-Institut (FLI)Martin Beer
Erasmus University Medical Center (ERASMUS MC)Ron Fouchier
Linnaeus University (LNU)Jonas Waldenström
Istituto Zooprofilattico Sperimentale delle Venezie (IZSVe)Francesco Bonfante
Swiss Ornithological Institute (SWISS OI)Silke Bauer
Animal and Plant Health Agency (DEFRA-APHA)Ashley Banyard
Royal Veterinary College (RVC)Pablo Alarcon Lopez

Executive Board (EB)

The EB consists of all WP leaders and co-leaders and will be chaired by the Coordinator and Co-coordinator. It is the central scientific coordinating body of the consortium and will also ensure adequate dissemination and exploitation of the project results. The EB is responsible for monitoring the scientific progress and reporting, including the status of deliverables and milestones, possible risks and their mitigation. The EB ensures that activities across the WPs are synergistic, if necessary, by the prioritisation of activities and the reallocation of resources. The EB reports to the SC and the EB members are responsible for the implementation of SC and EB decisions in their WPs. As WP leaders, they guide the progress of work in the WPs and collect all necessary information for the scientific reporting. They stay in close contact with all partners involved in their WP, follow the project progress and report to the Coordinator and Co-coordinator.

Work Package


Chair: Coordinator

Martin Beer (Friedrich-Loeffler-Institut, FLI)

Chair: Co-Coordinator

Ron Fouchier (Erasmus University Medical Center, ERASMUS MC)

WP 1 - Disease ecology of HPAI in migratory waterbirds

Silke Bauer (Swiss Ornithological Institute, SWISS OI)
Jonas Waldenström (Linnaeus University, LNU)

WP 2 - Spill-over of HPAI from migratory waterbirds

Nicola Lewis (Royal Veterinary College, RVC)
Calogero Terregino (Istituto Zooprofilattico Sperimentale delle Venezie, IZSVe)

WP 3 - Replicative fitness of AIV in wild and domestic birds

Francesco Bonfante (Istituto Zooprofilattico Sperimentale delle Venezie, IZSVe)
Ashley Banyard (Animal and Plant Health Agency, DEFRA-APHA)

WP 4 - Zoonotic risk and genotype-phenotype relationships

Ron Fouchier (Erasmus University Medical Center, ERASMUS MC)
El-Sayed Mohammed Abd El-Whab, Friedrich-Loeffler-Institut (FLI)

WP 5 - Understanding and managing risk to poultry

Javier Guitian (Royal Veterinary College, RVC)
Paolo Mulatti (Istituto Zooprofilattico Sperimentale delle Venezie, IZSVe)

WP6 - Consortium organisation and managment

Martin Beer (Friedrich-Loeffler-Institut, FLI)
Ron Fouchier (Erasmus University Medical Center, ERASMUS MC)

Scientific Advisory Board (SAB)

The external Scientific Advisory Board will provide the consortium with independent advice on the scientific performance and quality of the results obtained. The SAB gets access to the internal and external progress reporting documents. For the composition of the external Scientific Advisory Board KAPPA-FLU invited experts in ornithology, influenza virus biology and molecular biology, epidemiology and agro-economics.

OrnithologySimeon Lisovski (Alfred Wegner Institut, Bremerhaven)
Influenza virus biology and
Molecular biology
Nicola Hill (UMass, Boston)
Agro-economics / EpidemiologyAlexis Delabouglise (CIRAD, Montpellier)

Ethics and Biorisk Board (EBB)

The Ethics and Biorisk Board (EBB) consists of internal and external advisors for ethics and biorisk questions. It can be consulted on any ethics and biorisk issues within KAPPA-FLU and will also be responsible for monitoring these issues within KAPPA-FLU.

Friedrich-Loeffler-Institut (FLI)Martin Beer
Erasmus University Medical Center (ERASMUS MC)Ron Fouchier
Linnaeus University (LNU)Jonas Waldenström
Istituto Zooprofilattico Sperimentale delle Venezie (IZSVe)Francesco Bonfante &
Calogero Terregino
Swiss Ornithological Institute (SWISS OI)Silke Bauer
Animal and Plant Health Agency (DEFRA-APHA)Joe James
Royal Veterinary College (RVC)Nicola Lewis
External expert Animal EthicsJon Richmond
External expert Biosafety and Dual Use Research of ConcernBert Rima